Lecție de solidaritate 300 de motocicliști

Practically 300 cruiser taxi drivers utilized the lights of their vehicles to light up the Contamana nearby aerodrome’s runway, making it plausible for a light air ship flying three patients to take off. This token of solidarity has incited positive responses around Peruvian netizens.

Last Tuesday, April 2, 2013, at 6 pm., at the aerodrome of Contamana, a light flying machine was going to bring off with three patients that must be exchanged to a healing center in the city of Pucallpa, in the Loretean area of Ucayali.

Hours prior, a 31-year-old female persistent landed to a restorative focus in Contamana to convey her infant. Certain intricacies went out two hours after conveyance and the mother and her baby infant must be transported to an improved furnished clinic. Very nearly in the meantime, a 17-year-old male quiet landed to a health focus with side effects of leptospirosis. The three patients needed pressing medicinal consideration, so specialists requested their prompt exchange to Pucallpa.

At that point, all operations at the Contamana aerodrome and at the Pucallpa airfield were shut for the day. The specialists and faculty from the Contama aerodrome, on the other hand, figured out how to mastermind the flight and got the sanction to land in the Pucallpa hangar.

Picture from Flickr client Martintoy, utilized under a Creative Commons permit (CC BY-NC 2.0).

Yet things were not altogether unraveled yet, as the Contamana aerodrome’s runway doesn’t have lighting.

A neighborhood radio station made an offer and asked cruiser and bike taxi drivers to head off to the aerodrome to light up the 800-meter long arriving strip. Only a couple of minutes after the fact, 300 bikes and cruiser taxis landed at the aerodrome and devised a workable plan to superbly illuminate the entire strip. The air ship took off right around adulations by the spectators.




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