16 expresii romanesti de care rad englezii

Noi romanii avem niste expresii unice pe care le folosim des, dar care in engleza suna amuzant.
Mai jos sunt 16 expresii cu interpretarea lor in engleza.

1.“Like an old lady with a machine-gun”
Romana: ca baba si mitraliera
Engleza: a person object being massively unsuitable for the job in hand
2.“Leap like a frog into the concrete”
Romana: se arunca ca broasca-n beton
Engleza: jumping the gun
3.“Stare like a cat at a calendar”
Romana: se uita ca pisica-n calendar
Engleza: looking at someone confused
4. “Walking with the painted crow”
Romana: umbla cu cioara vopsita
Engleza: pulling the wool over someone’s eyes (blantantly)
5. “The TV has fleas!”
Romana: televizorul are purici
Engleza: There’s static on the TV
6. “Making a stallion out of a mosquito”
Romana: a făcut din ţânţar armăsar
Engleza: making a mountain out of a molehill
7. “Hit your own testicles with a claw hammer”
Romana: si-a dat cu tesla-n coaie
Engleza: shooting yourself in the foot
8. “Walk the bear”
Romana: plimba ursul
Engleza: go away and leave me in peace
9. “Like a donkey in the mist”
Romana: ca magarul in ceata
Engleza: disappearing when you’re most needed
10. “You have dwarfs on your brain!”
Romana: a avea pitici pe creier
Engleza: being or saying something crazy
11. “Makes it of sheep”
Romana: a o face de oaie
Engleza: making a pigs ear of something
12. “Have you stepped on a lightbulb?”
Romana: calcă pe bec
Engleza: you’ve done something wrong
13. “Was this house built on a slope?”
Romana: dacă ai casa în pantă
Engleza: suggesting that someone should close the door
14. “Making a whip out of poo”
Romana: face din rahat bici
Engleza: making a little go a long way
15. “He has a carrot in his bum”
Romana: are un morcov în fund
Engleza: you’re looking nervous
16. “Did you come with your palm between your butt-cheeks?”
Romana: a venit cu mana in fund
Engleza: not bringing a gift when you visit



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